Monday, January 23, 2017

Defining a business strategy plan

A company is framed in a concrete context, that is, it interacts with the environment on a constant basis as a cause and effect. A business strategy plan gives the entrepreneur a greater level of control over the business so defining this strategy objectively is a first step before opening the doors of a company.

Analyze the environment

To truly know the possibilities of a business you should not only analyze the business itself but also, the environment. For example, study the objective competition, the characteristics of the commercial area in which the company is located, which is the target audience ... Knowing the environment well can help you position your company even better thanks to the realism that arises from the here and now .

Background Values

Analyze your mission as an entrepreneur, that is, your vocation in the background and your role. On the other hand, it determines the reason for being of your business and what values ​​are the ones that govern the bases of your project. Likewise, determine your goals that are the direction to meet.

Business policy

Define what your business policy will be in decision-making in order to find solutions to the conflicts that arise in the usual way in the company. At the base of every business system there must be an ethical system because the company is made up of people.

Dafo Method

Analyze what are the difficulties, adversities, strengths and opportunities that your business has. Identifying these four areas helps you deepen the reality of your company from different points of view. This analysis that you can apply to your company can also be done applying it to yourself in your role as an entrepreneur.

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